Freedthinking is a growth marketing agency, helping clients get seen and heard since 1999.
What We Do For You.
Your company needs to be visible to make it easy for customers to find you, and to communicate the value of your product or service once they have found you. There can be an overwhelming pressure for a business owner to run the business and market it, and we primarily work with businesses of 2-12 people to provide either individual services or to be your outsourced marketing department.
We started in North London back in 1999, and the last two decades have seen adventures helping many clients in different countries, different industries and with different products and services. Their challenges were similar; How do I communicate our message in a way that is easy to understand? How do I market my product so that it gets seen by potential customers? How do I make the maximum profit and generate the greatest revenue for my business.
Freedthinking utilises over two decades of marketing and business consulting strategy that has focused on helping companies grow, ranging from a new physical therapy practice through to high-end wealth managers, and commercial real estate companies. We provide value by helping market your business in a way that will provide the maximum possible ROI.
Here are three ways we help our customers.
A strong, professional video is the clearest way to present your business. It’s also one of the easiest things to create in 2022.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that people between the ages of 15-44 spend less than ten minutes a day reading.
Creating a promotional video is essential to tell the story of your business. We’ve been doing it for 21 years, and use our expertise to help you. We are also filmmakers who make our own movies, and love helping clients win.
Digital advertising can be a powerful. Last year we saw astonishing results when marketing a major tech company in Silicon Valley, outperforming their in-house team by achieving $0.0001 per click.
Digital advertising is a phenomenal way to target and reach your potential customers, drilling down so that you can specify the exact group of people you want to reach.
Our aim is to boost your ROI through Facebook, Google and Youtube ads.
Growth Marketing, or Growth Hacking, is the soup-to-nuts approach of helping your organisation grow.
It’s a multi-disciplinary approach that focuses on your “north star metric", whether that is getting more customers, qualified leads, more website visitors, or something else.
We bring 22 years of marketing, videography, consulting, business strategy, corporate training, website creation, PR and communications to help your company grow and reach its full potential.
Testimonials. Take their word for it.
We market your business through promotional videos, digital advertising and growth marketing.
“Typically, at the start of your business, before you really know what's working, you need someone to help you experiment and find answers quickly. That's Marcus. He is the perfect person to help you get your business off the ground and find the way to help you get from zero to 1. He is smart, passionate, responsive, multifaceted and resourceful, and he is great to throw at a complicated problem and make progress immediately.
At We Make Movies, he was instrumental in helping us transition from being an in person community pre-pandemic in Los Angeles with no real digital business model to a full fledged completely digital post-pandemic startup that was doing over a million in revenue less than two years later.
On top of many other things, we was instrumental in helping us create and optimize our digital ads processes, figure out our target customers and audiences, and transition our in person community to a paid online subscription model and website. He was able iterate extremely quickly as we built the plane as it was in the air, and was a central part of our success as a business.
Quite simply, We Make Movies would not be what it is today without the help of Marcus Freed, and I will forever be grateful for what he has helped us build at We Make Movies.”
Founder/CEO, We Make Movies
Freedthinkers who we’ve worked with.
Calculating your ROI depends upon your goals, and we encourage clients you to identify your goals at the beginning of the process. Are you trying to raise awareness of your product or service? Are you looking to get more social media engagement? Is your focus on improving your online image, presentation or reputation? We want clients to feel very satisfied - and ideally thrilled - with results, so it’s important for us to know exactly what you are looking for with your marketing goals.
Our clients have ranged from multi-national tech firms like Apple, to start ups and personal trainers. The core principles of marketing are similar across different industries, and our client list has also included professional services (solicitors, accountants and medical facilities), along with social, community and education organisations. Please ask if you have specific questions and we’ll be happy to share more specific examples.
Freedthinking includes a core staff along with a team of freelancers depending upon the scope of the project. Typically there will be between 2 and 4 people per project, although sometimes it has included up to 14. We ensure that there is always one point of contact so that you have consistency and ease of communication throughout our time working together.
We have worked with a lot of different clients over the years, so it’s quite possible we have worked with your industry. Nevertheless, the principles of marketing and consulting are identical in the majority of industries, because it is effectively about human communication, and finding ways to tell stories that engage other people, whether it is to sell a product, educate about a service, grow a business or refining a strategy to reach people.
This depends on the service, and will be determined at one of the first meetings. Promotional videos are delivered within an agreed time frame, depending on how fast you need it. The same is true of websites and other design elements such as brochures, flyers, signage and so forth. Digital advertising can take 1 and 6 months to create results, depending on your budget and the types of results you want to achieve. Getting page or video views, raised awareness and click-throughs is typically faster, whilst achieving quality client leads can take longer.
If you are looking to grow your business, get seen and known by more potential buyers so that they can become your customers, we invite you to get in touch for a consultation where we can both determine if it might be a good fit. If you would like to ensure that your website, social media, video promotions and all marketing materials are up to date, then it’s essential to have your own marketing team.
We bring a unique skillset that has developed over the last 23 years. We began in the early 2000s writing scrips and providing drama-based learning for businesses, taking teams of actor-facilitators to help companies train and educate their people in a way that was energetic and engaging. Over the years we did lot of writing, filming, coaching, and eventually blended business and artistic skills to form Freedthinking. Other projects included writing and promoting books, television appearances across the USA, and presenting on BBC Radio in the UK. All of these skills and experiences have been rolled into the Freedthinking approach that gives you a unique approach to marketing and consulting.
If you’re happy with what you’re doing it and how you’re doing it, then we encourage you to continue! Our sweet spot is helping companies who are looking for help, whether it is to develop a marketing strategy, create more video promotional material, or manage their social media, websites and digital advertising. We look for clients who are hungry to grow and ready to invest more in their growth.
You might know the adage “don’t work in your business but work on your business”, in other words make sure you are growing your business rather than just being busy! We have a lot of experience with strategic consulting, helping people become more effective and helping them grow. If it feels like you are too busy but still dream of growing your organisation despite not having the time, then let’s set up a conversation and see how we can help.
This depends. There are many ways to market your business, and there is definitely no one-size-fits-all. It also depends on what you are comfortable with. But data marketing science shows that promotional video is by far the most effective way to reach people, and with almost every smartphone user being on social media, it is one of the best, fastest and cheapest ways to reach people. It is also a fun and effective way to continue engaging and growing your customer base or community.
It can take some time to establish the ROI on marketing, but it is also a hard question to answer because marketing is often separated from sales. For example, we might create a rockstar promotional video and integrate it with a fully optimized website, that pushes qualified leads to your email that you then share with your salesperson.
If there is a glitch in the chain (eg the salesperson doesn’t close the sale) then it doesn’t mean the marketing hasn’t been effective - it could be the best marketing in the world but you may not see the ROI you hope for. That is why we take the ‘Growth Marketing’ approach, which is a holistic way to see and analyse every step of the sales funnel, identify potential problems, and recommend or make the changes necessary to ensure that you maximise your chances of success.